May 2024

Title: Discover The Stunning Impact Of Sacred Geometry On Conscious Evolution With Gail And Gregory Hoag. Part Two Discover The Stunning Impact Of Sacred Geometry On Conscious Evolution With Gail And Gregory Hoag, Part Two. With over four decades of dedicated expertise in the realm...

Title: Sacred Geometry: A Foundation of Reality with Gail and Gregory Hoag Ep180 Join me and my guests Gail and Gregory Hoag ( With over four decades of dedicated expertise in the realm of Sacred Geometry, Gail and Gregory have pioneered groundbreaking technologies and new discoveries...

Title: Discover The Stunning Impact Of Sacred Geometry On Conscious Evolution With Gail And Gregory Hoag. Part 1 Discover The Stunning Impact Of Sacred Geometry On Conscious Evolution With Gail And Gregory Hoag, Part One. With over four decades of dedicated expertise in the realm...

Title: Ep 348: Connecting to Higher Consciousness through Sacred Geometry and Energy Fields with Gail & Gregory Hoag We will learn: • Unexpected ways these ancient symbols can elevate your consciousness. • How your aura and chakras could be affecting your physical and spiritual well-being. • How to pull...

Title: Ep 348: Connecting to Higher Consciousness through Sacred Geometry and Energy Fields with Gail & Gregory Hoag We will learn: • Unexpected ways these ancient symbols can elevate your consciousness. • How your aura and chakras could be affecting your physical and spiritual well-being. • How to pull...

Title: Sacred Geometry with Gregory & Gail Hoag This is a very interesting episode that is all about sacred geometry. My guests are Gregory & Gail Hoag, authors of the book Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment. They spent 40+ years learning all about...

Title: Gregory and Gail Hoag - SACRED GEOMETRY II SACRED GEOMETRY- The Universal Language of Divine Alignment By Gregory Hoag and Gail Hoag The Hoags Reveal How the Universal Patterns Displayed in Sacred Geometry Play a Foundational Role in the Evolution of Consciousness Discover...

Title: Ep 348: Connecting to Higher Consciousness through Sacred Geometry and Energy Fields with Gail & Gregory Hoag We will learn: • Unexpected ways these ancient symbols can elevate your consciousness. • How your aura and chakras could be affecting your physical and spiritual well-being. • How to pull...