Check out world-renowned Sacred Geometry experts Gregory and Gail Hoag, and discover how to gain clarity on your purpose, invite prosperity, and transform your life and relationships in...

Universal Secrets Revealed 6 Module Course: Simple Actions to Activate Your Core of Love and Power

Tens of thousands of lives all over the world have been transformed in powerful ways using Sacred Geometry.

It’s your turn to join us!



"Thank you. I always love informative sacred geometry information and you guys are the founders and forefront of that. I'm glad I found you and it's nice to know information like this and share it with humanity, which is very needed at this time. What a beautiful expression, creation and service you provide for the universal consciousness. Love it."


"I'm so grateful and thankful to you both for showing up with your light here on earth when you did so many years ago. You opened a path of light that was part of allowing me like many others to realized that we are the light and now we are all shining our light too!  I feel the momentum of love and light gaining in strength every day and am so grateful and thankful to be alive at this time and to be a part of and witness what I believe to be the greatest evolution in consciousness on earth at this time."


"I am really pleased with how my energy system has been strengthend from working with the Causal Generator that spins the Unity Grid and Metatron's Cube. Also, my Heart Companion Pendant's effects are second to none! With a big open heart I thank you and Gregory for listening and answering your calls to do the energetic workings that you do for us and the world."



All these and more are possible when you start your journey to learning about Sacred Geometry and applying its principles in your daily life...

How do you picture yourself?

Live a soulful, healthy,
prosperous, and joyful life

Deepen your spiritual
connection and core of love

Invite more abundance
in your life

Improve your health and
well-being with ease

Cultivate more loving and
fulfilling relationships

What Is the Universal Secrets Revealed Course?

For over 37 years, we at Metaforms have been building tools, beautiful sacred objects, and technologies that support connections to higher self, thus helping people transform their health and relationships, gain clear purpose, and attract prosperity.

Tens of thousands of people all over the world who are using our Sacred Geometry tools have already experienced powerful transformations happening in their lives. However, our work is far from over.

Our aim to connect heartfully with more people and offer them ways to positively transform their lives through this powerful technology has continued to grow. This is why we created a new course with new information never before shared. It's called Universal Secrets Revealed: Simple Actions to Activate Your Core of Love and Power.

In this program, we’ll teach you how to discover and utilize universal geometry to evolve consciousness and navigate your life. As you use the principles of Sacred Geometry, you’ll find greater emotional balance in the midst of chaos and challenges during this time of transformation.

This course is also designed to:

This course combines our decades of knowledge and expertise on Sacred Geometry. It’s our most comprehensive program yet and filled with all new material.

This is your invitation to discover this life-changing technology and use the principles that have been proven to help people live soulful, healthy, prosperous, and joyful lives.

Learn about the patterns of creation that will connect you with your higher self and transform your life in powerful ways.


“Metaforms has developed many subtle energetic technologies useful for healing and achieving higher states of consciousness… If we are beings of energy, then it follows that we can be affected by energy.”

~ Richard Gerber, M.D., Author, Vibrational Medicines

"Listening to the videos you include on your website has added so much more understanding to the dynamic energy contained in these sacred geometries.  I have a couple books on that from different perspectives and recognize there is so much history involved here as well.  I love having the extra information as it brings more and  more clarity to the greater understanding of who we are as humans.  It's huge.  So glad to be continuing on such a dynamic holistic path."


Module 1: The Divine Feminine and Masculine

We will begin our time together with a meditation with spinning forms. This is followed by a slide presentation and discussion on consciousness and Sacred Geometry. We will then go deeper into the Sacred Geometric forms that have made a big impact on people’s lives.

Subjects include:

Module 2: How the 3rd Element Creates Everything in Universe

Before we begin the content of this presentation and discussion, we will go into a meditation with spinning geometries. We will continue revealing the mystery that lies within the numbers, focusing on 3, the trinity and grounding aspects of 4. We will wrap up with showing you how we use this knowledge in the 5G Soulution, Sphere of Health and Divine Integrator and the benefits of these geometries.

Subjects include:

Module 3: 5 Brings Life~ How Universe is a Conscious Life Generator

We will begin with a meditation with our spinning forms to relax and prepare for the lesson. For our presentation, we’ll show you how Universe is conscious and designed for exquisite life generation through the principles found in the number 5.

Subjects include:

Get UNLIMITED Access to the recordings of ALL the lessons.

You'll be able to download and listen to them anytime and anywhere.
Plus, you'll receive summaries for all the sessions.

Your Special Price: $97

Module 4: Space, time, higher dimensions and the playing field of this reality

We will begin Module 4 with a meditation with spinning geometries. We’ll then take a deep dive into discussing the lessons of the number 6 and how it offers a roadmap to understand the evolution of life. We will illuminate how consciousness plays into this.

Subjects include:

Module 5: The Archetypes of Creation and the Platonic Solids

We will begin Module 5 with a meditation with spinning geometries. We’ll discover the creative geometry of light. This leads us into the archetypes of the Platonic solids and how they are the blueprint for physical creation.

Subjects include:

Module 6: Using Sacred Geometry to Supercharge Your Life

Our last module together will include a Q&A at the end of the presentation, recorded October 19th 2022. After a meditation with spinning forms, we will review and summarize the Sacred Geometric forms we explored during our time together, as well as the uses and benefits of having this knowledge. We have shown how the universe is fully conscious and when you harmonize with its creative aspects, you are endowed with manifesting abilities, greater love and compassion.

Subjects include:

Plus, You’ll Receive These Bonuses When You Join Us Today...

Enjoy a 15% discount on all products we've discussed.

Get your questions answered by posting in the "Ask the Experts" forum.

Q&A Sessions with Gregory and Gail Hoag.

When You Enroll in the Universal Secrets Revealed 6 Module Course Today, Here’s Everything You’ll Receive...



6 90-minute Sacred Geometry sessions with Gregory and Gail Hoag


6 90-minute Replays of Sacred Geometry sessions with Gregory and Gail Hoag


15% discount on all products discussed

Save more than $500!

Access to the "Ask the Experts" Forum including our video responses to questions


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The Universal Secrets Revealed 30-Day Guarantee

We’re confident that you will get significant value from enrolling in our new program. This is why we’re offering the following guarantee: If by the end of your first 30 days where you have fully participated and put your entire heart into the Universal Secrets Revealed 6 Module Course: Simple Actions to Activate Your Core of Love and Power, and you still don’t think it is worth your investment, simply let us know and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund. You can keep any gifts, bonuses, and downloads that you’ve already received.


“Thank you for your kindness in answering my questions over time and thank you for your work and fabulous tools! I use them 24/7. The last few weeks, and especially during the last Mercury retrograde, family and business matters that could have been complicated have gone smoothly. Of note, the moods in our household have been calmer than usual.

Your tools are great supports. I'm reading your recent emails to learn more about sacred geometry. 'Hope to integrate other tools with the ones I have."


“The I.Connect and Heart Companion have a very powerful effect of settling you down, grounding and connecting you internally. What really amazed me was the way these tools are structured to hold and transmit high vibrational energy, so I discovered that I can download my energy waves into these tools and these energies are constantly rebroadcast and projected to you. The effectiveness of these tools are way beyond anything my students and I have worked with before.”

~Bill Farber

“With the Heart Companion, you can take a break, rather than going into anger or resentment. You have the time to take the breath, which you didn’t before. It inspires you to say, ‘Hey, I am the observer’. It holds space for you to transform and change your patterns as you become aware.”

~Marion Ross Ph.D

“I spoke with you sometime back, and bought the greatest gift of Love for myself I have ever purchased! I bought a BEAUTIFUL and PROFOUND Heart Companion earlier this year. This is such an incredible tool and life-changer!

Everywhere I go, those that can ‘sense’ stop me and want to know about this piece I wear. It’s such a blessing you’re bringing forth~ especially during these highly dramatic times with frequency elevations beyond anything we’ve ever experienced before!”

~Sarah Jo

“I have wanted to tell you of a wonderful effect that I think is due to my use of the I.Connect. I am a retired Prof. from USC—retired for the last three years. I miss my students so much, and i taught for 40 years, thirty of which were at USC.

After using the I -connect, I received at least three letters from students of thirty years ago, when I taught at Douglass College of Rutgers Univ. One has become a Professor herself, and her letter was filled with praise for my teaching, telling me how it inspired her to pursue the profession, and how fulfilled she is, and how she remembers me. Then she told a friend she had “connected” with me, and the friend also wrote back. Others from other parts of my career sent letters as well.

It was so astounding that just now, after i started using the I-connect, these former students began to “connect” with me. I KNEW IT WAS DUE TO THE I.CONNECT. I knew that I was “connecting” with the larger universe, and those who received the frequency responded.”

~Gloria, LA

“I purchased many items from you and am so delighted. I have been following you and your wife on the various radio calls and today. You are doing so much for us now. The kindness of your message and the raising of global consciousness is astounding. I was so impressed by your comments about partnering and getting the messages out there.”


Discover how Sacred Geometric technology can increase life-enhancing energy flows for health and well-being.

Learn how to align with the archetypes of creation to deepen your spiritual connection and core of love.

Join the Universal Secrets Revealed 6 Module Course: Simple Actions to Activate Your Core of Love and Power!

“Yes, I’m ready to start unlocking the secrets of Sacred Geometry and shifting my life in powerful ways in 2024!”

(Total Value: $1,990)

Your Special Price: $97

About Metaforms

Metaforms’ mission is to shift the consciousness and health of humanity, to thrive and play in the new earth energy. We pioneer and produce the finest subtle energy products and services available to empower, transform and evolve the lives of millions. Through the wisdom of sacred geometric technologies, our expanding Metaforms community of inspired leaders activates the spiritual evolution of humanity, allowing the joyful expression of unconditional love and service to flourish.

Gregory Hoag

Gregory Hoag, scientist, bestselling author and artist, has researched Sacred Geometry and consciousness for 47 years. Following a major spiritual awakening (Kundalini) in 1982, he started creating energetic tools through Metaforms, that provide transformative tools to foster spiritual evolution and the expansion of Source. His land in the Colorado Rockies has numerous energy vortexes and strategically placed geometric forms for the purpose of activating the planetary grids and energizing some of the tools produced by Metaforms.

He is recognized as one of the leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting intent and clearing emotional and electromagnetic interference.

Gail Hoag

Gail Hoag is a health consultant, accomplished artist, spiritual advisor, businesswoman and bestselling author. Her study of light, color and energy in motion in her paintings, launched a deep understanding for creating transformative fields to expand consciousness. Developing her intuitive gifts as an artist, healer and spiritual counselor, she has assisted many people to embrace life more fully. Gail has also served as a business consultant and team building trainer in corporations.

Gail was an avid student of R. Buckminster Fuller and knew the intrinsic value of sacred geometry when she and Gregory met in 1985 and founded Metaforms, realizing their life’s mission to bring sacred geometric energy tools to the world.

Copyright 2024 - Metaforms All Rights Reserved

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