01 Jun Secrets of Sacred Geometry Part 4: Universe, Gratitude, Forgiveness and How They Can Enhance Your Life
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Welcome and thank you for joining us today. Last time we were talking about the people in our life and how they bring us tremendous gifts. Some of them may be gifts that we weren't expecting or wanting. But nevertheless, it's so important to accept everything that these other people in our lives are bringing to us.
And for those of you who were listening to us last time, you might remember that I was talking at the end about some of the negative things that have happened in my life in terms of people showing up and judging me a certain way, and I felt badly about how they judge me because I knew that wasn't really true. But nevertheless, it set up a dynamic where I moved in a direction separate from them.
And in retrospect, I learned that this was what Universe was doing in my life in order to propel me on the pathway that I needed to follow. It's like people come into our lives and in many cases they self-direct. They self-choose. They understand how they self-select--whether they're my friend or not, in not only the vibration that is seeming compatible. But in this case, that the example I was giving, it's like universe steps in and manipulates things in such a way that universe has a pathway for them and a pathway for me where they just couldn't be in the same vein anymore.
And the important thing, I think for myself and each of us is that when these kinds of things happen, we benefit most when we can really learn to forgive ourselves and forgive others and the parts that they are playing. But really learn to love it as a total sharing from universe. And so it's sometimes difficult in the first take to want to go that way.
But it has been so important for me to learn, to forgive, and to forgive and to love others for what they're giving.
And see everything that they have offered as a gift that came at the appropriate time and the appropriate way. And my understanding was appropriate to propel me. And obviously, that's where we're really going. That is on the pathway of where we need to go, each one of us individually, and following how universe has laid out that path for us.
So some gifts, as I said, may feel negative at the moment that they're received. But in retrospect, see the wisdom of universe, really learn to forgive. And that's when you can feel the love and feel the gift, and then you can go inside deeper into what was being offered.
The important lesson is that Spirit offers you new, amazing people in your life, especially at difficult times. The right person will show up and so be on the lookout for them. Kind of, look out in the way that you feel open and feel receptive, feel allowing.
Know that when you're having a difficult time, that your allowance, you're dropping into your heart space, you spending a little more time in meditation just to say, "Thank you, Universe, for taking care of me, and I look forward to your gifts."
So go into those spaces within your heart where you can allow for the right people to show up in your life so that then you can be open to accepting those relationships. You can recognize them when they're there. And you don't brush them off because sometimes they come in the most innocuous little ways, as the youngest of little beings or the oldest of characters or the most uncomfortable of combatants. And you go, "Oh my God, I wasn't expecting this." But bottom line, Universe wants you to grow, wants you to learn, wants you to move through this stuff.
And so that's the agenda that we've set up for universe. And we have to be ready to allow that agenda to come into our life. So be proactive in situations like this. You may in difficult times especially find that it's important to join organizations. Go to places where you might find like-minded people--people you might enjoy, people that would be attractive to you by the kinds of activities that they would be sharing with you. Universe is constantly supporting you. However, you have to be the one to take the action and make the effort. So meditating and visualization is great; however, it doesn't take the place of engaging fully in your physical life because your activity is necessary for spirit to move through you.
It's so important to take action in your life and understand that it's only through your action that spirit can move through you and become a participant in your life and transform your life. And so that's where we need to fall into that space.
Relationships are so divine, they are so important. Here we are working on becoming unity, back into the oneness again, and yet we are individuals. And we see ourselves reflected in another. And relationships, I think everyone would probably agree, are probably the most challenging for most people at some level in their lives. And yet we all want to have relationships with other people that are truly inspirational, that take us to the depth of love and expression and joy and ecstasy that each one of us longs for. And we go through a lot to get there.
Spirit has put so many opportunities along our path, and when I say Spirit has, I'm not separating ourselves from spirit. We are doing it. And why? How much we learn from every so-called failed relationship if we allow ourselves to. And when we look at what has gone on and we go, "Wow, that was awesome, what can I get from that?" Then we can just soar because we're open. We're forgiving. And there is no growth and healing without forgiveness.
That is essential to be able to look at all the things that have gone on and take it not in a way that's damaging and that feels like we need to hurt ourselves more. But instead, to take it from that perspective, like, "Wow, I really got something wonderful here. And it's preparing me for the very next thing."
I sometimes look at the pathway that showed up for Gregory and I to get together. And sometimes I've said to people, "You know, we really met at a perfect time." If we had met each other even six months or a year before. We weren't ready. We were still going through certain things that we needed to go through. That enabled us to recognize each other and enabled us to be able to step into a more mature, more conscious relationship.
So I have to say that I deeply value all of the pitfalls that I experienced before because it helped me. It took me to being more present, more conscious, and more able to respond to show up in this relationship.
So I have to say that I deeply value all of the pitfalls that I experienced before because it helped me. It took me to being more present, more conscious, and more able to respond to show up in this relationship. We've been married now over 33 years, and, you know, we still go through our stuff, and we still find that there are our edges. However, we accomplished a lot before from some of the previous relationships.
And so if you're going through a time where you're longing for that right relationship, go back in and really look at what did you get from the previous ones? Because I believe that each one is a step that helps us polish those edges and helps us become more aware, more prepared, so that we can really embrace a deeper and more meaningful, loving, conscious relationship. And allow spirit, allow the divineness of who we are to shine through how we interact with each other, how we relate to each other, and how we continue to grow together.
So it's such a miraculous way that things are set up--how we can continue to evolve in every single aspect of our lives. Take it lightly. Take it lovingly. And remember to keep forgiving yourself and allowing yourself to continue to grow and experience your life in joyful and meaningful and purposeful ways.
And that is a nice way to segue into the next step that I think is absolutely one of my very favorites and it is about gratitude.
We've all seen everything from T-shirts, books, talks, all kinds of things about the importance of gratitude and how gratitude is really an opportunity to open your heart and accept the flow of spirit. And that word acceptance is really key because what is gratitude?
When you think about it, gratitude puts us into that place of accepting, of being, of really stepping forward in deep appreciation and presence.
It's so important to condition what it is that universe has to share with you. And so that's really what we're wanting to get across right now, is that when you are grateful for all the things that are in your life and you make a habit out of expressing that gratitude, it's going to increase the positive feedback from universe, and it's going to allow what you receive to be stronger. And you'll get it more strongly.
There is a really wonderful story we have to share about gratitude. And that is, there was a class actually it was with a friend of ours who is a shaman. And he invited us to be part of his class. And we did a ceremony in the evening where we were grateful not for what we already had, but we did a ceremony where we were very grateful for what we were about to receive. And so we put it out into the universe, thank you for everything that you are now going to be giving us.
And what that set up was the dynamic that very interestingly, a day or two later we had the worst flood this part of the country has seen in literally a hundred thousand years. It took the land in front of our house. That was one foot from our driveway pad.
It removed 30 feet of earth, we had a 30-foot cliff. We had water coming over 100 yards across, and there was a dried-up creek bed that was 100 yards from us. It moved 100 yards toward our house and swept all this earth away. So many things were happening.
But when we finally were able to communicate with this shaman again, his first take was, "Oh my God. It is so wonderful that you opened yourself up to universe, to be grateful for what universe was about to give you. Because in that gratitude, it conditioned the severity of the flood coming toward your home such that you did not lose your home."
Our home was totally intact. We lost our electricity, our telephone, our septic tank, our water system, our well, you know, and we lost 20 acres of land that was washed away. But, our home was left intact. We got out in time before the flood to our neighbors up the hill, and we watched this tremendous thing go on.
And in the end, there have been so many gifts that have come into our lives because of this flood and new things we've discovered on the land, new beauties. There are people that come and say, "Oh, my God, you know, having this land go down literally two or three stories beneath where it was ,and your bedroom is up to three stories above the ground level. All of a sudden, you have this incredible vista from your bedroom. You can see cliffs that you couldn't see before."
We've discovered trails on our land that we didn't know were there because of this. And all kinds of things can come into your life when you are grateful before and you set up the conditions, thank you, Universe, for what you're about to give me today. And then be open that day for what comes into your life. And see it in a way that you're grateful for it.
And it makes it so much more delicious, so much more wonderful. And you're going to recognize it and benefit from things. And people are going to come out of the woodwork and say, "Hey, what I have for you, and you're going to know that it's a gift.".
Because that's the only thing that universe wants to share with you is a gift that is going to help you grow in love and help you grow in your ability to support others in that same way, to be of service and to experience joy and a good livelihood. It's powerful when you put out that vibration into the universe.
That was an absolutely magical time. And honestly, I think one of the key things for me was that I was so much in that place of acceptance that whatever was happening, I was more like a child, like, "Wow, isn't this amazing?" I am so grateful to be able to be in a place where obviously, as Gregory said, our home and our family was safe.
But I was so grateful to be able to participate in the Earth's evolution. The Earth was going through this incredible birth. And I got to watch it. And one of the things that I learned also about this is that I had to let go of control.
Now, control and gratitude don't really work together very well. And if you've ever given anybody a gift who expected something else from you, and you gave them something that you know from your heart you wanted to share, and they didn't appreciate it. That used to happen to me a lot with my father. But there was something there where I couldn't control how he responded, and he couldn't control what he was going to get from me. And therefore, the blessing of gratitude diminished. It just wasn't there.
And if we had an expectation with the story of the flood that Gregory just told you about that, it was going to stop raining before all of this, you know, really intense stuff happened. If we had that expectation, then we would still be clinging on to what was.
And that's really an interesting thing, because we are in a very dynamic, changing and growing universe. And we are dynamically changing and growing. And when we attempt to control those situations, we are not really allowing for that full-bodied gratitude to show up.
So learning how to really let go and open our hearts to what is. And this is so important as we go through changes. And we're in a time right now energetically where there's so much that is changing.
And it's important for us in a place of absolute gratitude, appreciation and love and compassion to be able to let go. Let go of how we think it's supposed to be. Let go of what we had in the past and know that everything is perfect the way it is.
And the most important thing is to come back into the heart center and breathe through the heart. And let go. And be grateful. Be joyful.
That little shift is so important when we can just make that adaptation, when we can wake up each morning in gratitude, no matter what's going on in our lives, and just purely announce our gratitude--that we are blessed. When we retire for the evening and before we fall off to sleep, to again, come back into that place at the heart center in gratitude, because we are blessed. We are in an amazing body and an amazing life and an amazing opportunity for our souls to express creation.
And so gratitude is something that keeps taking us to the next level and the next level and the next level. And doors open for us when we're grateful. It's almost as if to say, "Wow, you get it. You get the beauty, the magic, the abundance of what's here." And when we get it, then we can get more.
One of the best ways of creating more abundance in your life is to be grateful for what you have. If you're looking forward to a new profession or a new job, one of the most important things to do is to be grateful for what you have and what you've learned and for the people that have shown up in your life. And as each one of us presents life that way, then our soul says, "You get it. This is wonderful. There's more for you. Let me help you find that."
What our property has gone through has turned it into something that is really more beautiful, more spectacular. The government came in, someone, we had people in our community work on it because our house was one of the most devastated as far as the landscape coming up to it. We're on the cover of one of the books about how to handle floods.
Bottom line, it's amazing that what we really felt in all that gratitude allowed us to get so much done. We got our home up and livable faster. People came from, neighbors with equipment to build up rock and protection.
And one of the main things is that so many people want to, when you tell them about a devastating catastrophe like this, they want to go into thinking about, "Oh, what you lost. It's so sad. It really is too bad." But the truth is that doesn't exist anymore. And it's what was. It's not what is. You can only be grateful for what is. If you hang on to what was, it's not going to serve you.
So thank you for joining us today, and blessings.
And remember, there is more. So join us in the next episodes. We love this opportunity to be with you.
Thank you and blessings.
Gregory and Gail
What a experience you had with your land Gregory and Gail!
What an impact and such a gift with Deep understandings!
With relationships I can not yet always (sometimes yes) experience the gifts with the uncomfortable, but I am open to investigate this.
I love the sentence; “Thank you Universe of what you are about to give me today” . It makes me feel open to receive!
Thank you for sharing this Deep understanding! 🙏
Thank you for bringing up the importance of gratitude.
I especially loved the part of being grateful for whatever the universe is sending to me.
It has helped forgive my husband for his unresolved anger regarding my comment about giving my bracelet away.
I am blown away by this new revelation.
In Oneness with what is coming to me.
Love and blessings,
Susan from CT
Thank you for all this information.
I will start a gratitude journal tonight and ask my angels to remind me to do this.
Thank I appreciate all efforts love you all