Connect With Your Pet In Ways You Never Thought Possible!

Using Sacred Geometry, Our Heart Companion and Pet Connect Pendants Together
Create An Unbreakable Two Way Bond of Communication and Health With Your Pet​

We are excited to bring you the Pet.Connect!Choose from 3 Heart Companion styles and add a Pet.Connect to create a two way bond with your pet to:

From: $49.00 / month for 2 months



“We got Kobe from the S.P.C.A. and he was always really high strung, shied away from all people, and spooked at the drop of a pin. After spending nearly a month away this summer, I came home to a completely different dog! He was quiet, patient, and actually started sitting on my friend’s lap! My Mom told me she got the Pet Connect and THAT was the difference! ”

~ Natasha, Monterey, CA


All of the aspects of the biofield increased, ranging from 13.2% to 28.9 and the average was 21.7%. The significant increase in the subtle energy field after holding the I.Connect demonstrates that it dramatically improves one’s energetic field related to health and well-being.

I.Connect Research

The I.Connect has over 25 years of research and development, using the wisdom of sacred geometry encoded on circuit boards with strategically placed forms around the planet. Inside are electronic components, copper and fiber optic antenna systems, vapor depositions of molecular geometries and alchemical mixtures of unique crystals, minerals and rare earth transition metals. A toroidal flow is created by the stainless steel shell and the unit is activated by light and sound frequencies, within a special unit having counter spinning geometries and a connection to the earth grid via 20 foot copper structures.

Results of this pilot study indicate that the I.Connect significantly increases the human biofield, as measured by the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique, sophisticated technology developed in Russia by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.

The GDV Technique is based on the well known “kirlian effect” and it allows the study of the biological energy fields of subjects. The “Kirlian Effect”, well known for more than two centuries, refers to the resulting image of a gas discharge “fluorescence” that appears around the edge of a subject after it is placed in a high-intensity electrical field.


“The results of this pilot study show a significant improvement in the human biofield, organ system function and balancing of the chakras after holding the I.Connect, as demonstrated by GDV testing. The significant increases in all of these tests show a dramatic effect of the I.Connect to increase an individual’s health and vitality. These results support the I.Connect claim, that when held on the body, energy flows and health improves.”

From: $49.00 / month for 2 months



Pet.Connect With Basic Heart Companion

$376 (silver)
or $396 (gold) + shipping

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Pet.Connect With Chakra Heart Companion

$466 (silver)
or $486 (gold) + shipping

Need A Payment Plan?

Pet.Connect With Rainbow Heart Companion

From $636 (silver)
From $656 (gold) + shipping

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Pets are a very special part of our lives and there are many reasons why people are attracted to these animal friends. Perhaps the most prominent reason is that we value being in a heart-centered relationship and animals offer an opportunity to share love, companionship, joy, healing, and playfulness. People love their pets and will sometimes do more for them than for themselves, savoring the opportunity to give attention and love and have it returned unconditionally. They are masters of being present in the moment.

“My relationship with my dog is now more fun – more open, with more ease, flow and trust. We were both feeling a certain edginess to our connection. I felt guilty that my stress had impacted her and she was trying to keep her center. Now since the Pet.Connect, we are enjoying a renewal in our love for each other that was always there but somehow was off-track.”

~ Janet Hicks, Animal Communicator

We enjoy talking with our pets, whether we think they understand us or not. They can be silent listeners that help us unwind and better understand personal issues. They are great buddies and many people long for deeper understanding and communication with their pets. We want to know them better and even learn more of what they are offering. For many years, Metaforms has been developing tools that support people in feeling more connected and expanded in the spiritual side of their lives. These tools often impact the ability for people to have better health and prosperity, as they make choices in their lives that are more aligned with their inner purpose. It is a natural next step for us to tap into the wisdom of the animal world.

“I love the heart companion! I wear it everyday and I find it so beautiful and with wonderful energy. I often get comments from others as well, sensing the beauty and power in it. My connection with my dog, Ari, has always been very strong. I do think he is more affectionate and calmer in the last couple months. He is more likely to lean on me and others than he used to be. The greeting he gives his human friends is quite something. My life has been pretty chaotic emotionally lately. All I know is that I love wearing the pendant and it feels really good. I wonder too if some of these major changes and insights are directly related to the energy of the Heart Companion. I had felt stuck in my life for some time and feel like I am getting unstuck in some big ways. ”

~Barb Shor, DVM, author, Soul of the Wild

As a result, as we developed our Sacred Geometry tools, we realized that our dog Buttercup, was interacting with us in new ways. She became more vocal and active in communicating with us and we felt a deeper bond was being nurtured. We know that animals hear and see on a different frequency band than humans. There are numerous stories of animals recognizing a natural disaster before it happens so they could leave the danger zone. They are tuned into nature on a more sensitive level than we are. Their innate sensitivity seems to even recognize when their guardian is sick or in trouble and needs help. cat2Wouldn’t it be great if we could have more insightful communication with them, so everyone can work through their issues and stay healthy together? This led us to developing the Pet. Connect, as a way that people and animals can explore more meaningful relationships and learn and grow together. We are excited to reach out to many new people to facilitate rewarding interaction where everyone benefits and learns to utilize their higher sensory capacity, while further opening the heart.

“Mae & I are now enjoying an effortless flow of nonverbal telepathic communication as we always had before a lot of stress had impacted our lives. The Heart Companion and Pet Connect opened the channels of our hearts and helped heal stress that had impacted both of our bodies and psyches.”

~ Janet Hicks, Animal Communicator

From: $49.00 / month for 2 months




Pet.Connect With Basic Heart Companion

$376 (silver)
or $396 (gold) + shipping

Need A Payment Plan?

Pet.Connect With Chakra Heart Companion

$466 (silver)
or $486 (gold) + shipping

Need A Payment Plan?

Pet.Connect With Rainbow Heart Companion

From $636 (silver)
From $656 (gold) + shipping

Need A Payment Plan?


Bonus 1: 21 Days to Abundance and Self-Awareness Audio Class by Gregory & Gail Hoag with Daniel Gutierrez

Enjoy 15 hours of instruction, meditations, motivation and transformation! 21 Days to Abundance and Self-Awareness is an intensive excursion that will take you to a place where abundance is the rule instead of the exception.

Learn methods to use the Heart Companion and I.Connect for extraordinary results.

Bonus 1: 21 Days to Abundance and Self-Awareness Audio Class by Gregory & Gail Hoag with Daniel Gutierrez

Enjoy 15 hours of instruction, meditations, motivation and transformation! 21 Days to Abundance and Self-Awareness is an intensive excursion that will take you to a place where abundance is the rule instead of the exception.

Learn methods to use the Heart Companion and I.Connect for extraordinary results.

From: $49.00 / month for 2 months


The Heart Companion is a beautiful piece of jewelry full of symbolism and meaning. What I love most about it is that it grounds my spiritual practice in a tangible way deepening my connection to Source and the wisdom of the heart.

Adoley Odunton

The Heart Companion is a beautiful piece of jewelry full of symbolism and meaning. What I love most about it is that it grounds my spiritual practice in a tangible way deepening my connection to Source and the wisdom of the heart.

Michelle Karén,
M.A., D.F Astrol. S.

I purchased many items from you and am so delighted. I have been following you and your wife on the various radio calls and today with Mas Sajady. You are doing so much for us now. The kindness of your message and the raising of global consciousness is astounding. I was so impressed by your comments about partnering and getting the messages out there.


I want to let you know that the Heart Companion has been helping me with pain relief, which has been an unexpected benefit. I tuck the pendant in the waistband of my pj’s, in the front for cramp relief and in the back for lower back pain relief, when I go to bed. I wake up pain free.


I listened to the activations and am blown away. They are truly profound. Nothing I have used before has come close to this experience. It’s your own connection to Source, coming home to yourself. I have had my I.Connect for a few months now and I could feel that it was making a difference right from the beginning. The I.Connect re-established my connection to the Divine.

Anne Marie

I have received the I.Connect and the Heart Companion pendant today and would like to thank you for wonderful products. Their power is overwhelming and surprisingly, immediately perceptible (normally I need at least a few minutes to start resonating with energy products such as crystals or healing stones). Both pieces literally boil and pulsate in my hand, almost like a small vibrator. Obviously these little gems have some work to accomplish and seem to be happy to start plowing.


Gregory Hoag

Gregory Hoag, scientist, author and artist, has researched Sacred Geometry and consciousness for 50 years. He is recognized as one of the leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting intent and clearing emotional and electromagnetic interference. Following a major spiritual awakening (Kundalini) in 1980, he started creating energetic tools that provide transformative technologies to foster spiritual evolution and the expansion of Source consciousness.

Gail Hoag

Gail Hoag is an accomplished artist, spiritual advisor, and health consultant. Her study of light, color, and energy in motion in her paintings launched a deep understanding of creating transformative fields to expand consciousness. Developing her intuitive gifts as an artist, healer, and spiritual counselor, she has assisted many people to embrace life more fully. Gail has also served as a business consultant and team-building trainer in well-known corporations.


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