For 20% off our book, Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment & selected products use code:
HOLIDAY24 at checkout.
Get Your Physical Copy Of The Book Now To Receive These Excellent Bonuses!
Your personal edition copy will be signed by the authors, Gregory Hoag and Gail Hoag.
A special PDF containing all the beautiful images in the book in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and zoom out for an immersive experience.
Special Note: Due to issue with Amazon & our editor, we recommend purchasing physical book through us or Barns & Noble ONLY.
A special PDF containing all the beautiful images in the book in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and zoom out for an immersive experience.
By getting the Kindle edition, you can enjoy 72 beautiful illustrations in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and out for a more immersive experience.
Note: You don’t need to purchase a Kindle device to read the book. The Kindle app is available to download on most iOS, Android, and PC devices for free.
“Sacred Geometry is like a text from an ancient mystery school written for modernity. The teachings are rich, insightful and perhaps most importantly, essential to our spiritual lives. The book is fabulous.”
— Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts
“A masterpiece! I’ve known the authors for years and have impatiently waited for their book. It’s here and it’s stunning. Just reading it can increase your awareness, consciousness, and inner power. I love it!”
— Dr. Joe Vitale, author,
Zero Limits and The Miracle
“The wisdom found in this beautiful book is both profoundly spiritual and extremely practical. I love how the magnificent Gail and Gregory show us the universal picture of how we can embody the power of the divine archetypes of creation and at the same ground it in science. I believe this is an essential handbook for those who want to live an inspired and awakened life.”
— Debra Poneman, bestselling author and founder Yes to Success and Ageless Seminars
We have a special bonus for all who look at our Black Friday Special! Watch as we read from our book Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment and answer your questions and comments. All sessions were recorded and replays are available to watch now!
Join us every second and fourth Thursday where we read from our book Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment and answer your questions and comments. It’s a great opportunity to connect with us and enhance your understanding of sacred geometry. All sessions are recorded and replays are emailed if you’re unable to join the live event.
Powerful times call for powerful tools. Our famous Heart Companion has been the 'spiritual ally' to tens of thousands of people all over the world.
Our Sacred Geometry forms are precisely composed 3-dimensional sculptures that are lovingly hand-crafted at our workshop in Lyons, Colorado.
The technology contains a high frequency crystal, advanced antenna systems, gemstones and minerals at key places on the circuit board.
“We live in a complex world, one that most people struggle to understand, as there is little awareness of the forces - mostly unseen - that mold our life experiences. Gregory and Gail have carefully, clearly and logically explained the workings of this greater reality.
This book is so easy to read, it draws you in from the very beginning, explaining the interconnectedness, the Oneness behind all things. Helping us understand the power and vibrational beauty of Sacred Geometry that underpins so much of reality that is beneath the surface, until one starts to see with new eyes. This book will open the eyes of many!
Thank you both for your work assisting in humanities awakening, it is so needed at this time.”
— Prageet Harris, The Stargate Experience
“Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment” by Gregory and Gail Hoag explores the higher dimensional realms of geometry within ourselves, our surroundings, and the universe. In doing so, it enables us to accelerate our awakening, and paths to higher levels of consciousness. I highly recommend this book to everyone for personal and spiritual growth.”
— Fred Grover Jr. M.D. Integrative Medicine Physician and author of “Spiritual Genomics” and “Awakening Gaia”
“I met Gregory about 40 years ago and he has never stopped investigating the nature of reality and the universe. This book with his partner Gail is the culmination of a lifetime work and
deep diving into the realms of creations that sets it apart from all those that have followed in the footsteps of the Hoags. It is a beaming beautiful book. Buy it now.”
— Alan Steinfeld, Host of NewRealities, Author of Making Contact
“What an AMAZING book!
I LOVED reading it! Every word holds a radiant vibration of great knowledge and is a welcoming invite into a parallel reality where unconditional love naturally splinters itself into exquisite design and impeccable order.
I thank you, thank you, thank you for this great gift of an experience!
In the areas where I have yet to entirely wrap my mind around what’s so artfully imparted I simply drop it down into my heart and boom - clarity. It’s a transmission of grace. The authors are both so clearly Divine Messengers. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to put the enchantment back into their life!
I recommend it highly.”
— Maureen
Get Your Physical Copy Of The Book Now To Receive These Excellent Bonuses!
Your personal edition copy will be signed by the authors, Gregory Hoag and Gail Hoag.
A special PDF containing all the beautiful images in the book in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and zoom out for an immersive experience.
Special Note: Due to issue with Amazon & our editor, we recommend purchasing physical book through us or Barns & Noble ONLY.
A special PDF containing all the beautiful images in the book in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and zoom out for an immersive experience.
By getting the Kindle edition, you can enjoy 72 beautiful illustrations in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and out for a more immersive experience.
Note: You don’t need to purchase a Kindle device to read the book. The Kindle app is available to download on most iOS, Android, and PC devices for free.
A Breathtaking Shift into Higher Consciousness
“Stunning in its revelations Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment is a breathtaking shift into higher consciousness as you experience an amazing understanding of the genius codes of divine form, pattern and number at the core of each one of us.
Divinely inspired and grounded by a lifetime of synchronicity and research, Gregory and Gail Hoag whisk you away on an adventure into the deepest spiritual knowledge, a cosmic story made earthbound. They make the complex simple, intertwining their personal stories with yours with substance and sincerity.
You realize that what makes Sacred Geometry so compelling. As the authors say it matter of fact, it is indeed the universal language that aligns us with source energy and our ability to manifest a joyful, fulfilling life.
This is essential wisdom for anyone desiring to live masterfully at this time of a great quantum shift in a truer understanding of life and our connection to one another and divine source, prophesied by the great wisdom traditions.”
— Dianne Collins, Creator of Quantum
Think® Author of Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World
Secrets of The Sacred
“If you are curious about what is Sacred Geometry, how does it work and very importantly how can it help you gain clarity and guide you in the challenging, uncertain times we are witnessing today, and even if you are well versed in Sacred Geometry— then this masterpiece of research, deep knowledge and personal experience that the Hoags are sharing on this intriguing subject will give you a valuable perspective on the patterns of life and how you can use this Divine Wisdom to enjoy and relax on your magical journey of life.”
— Alan K. Collins, Master QuantumThink® Coach
“Gregory and Gail Hoag have created the most comprehensive view of Sacred Geometry in our time. Harkening back to the works of John Michell and Robert Lawlor, Greg and Gail have given us the gift of understanding the Divine language of the Universe.
Sacred Geometry - The Universal Language of Divine Alignment is the book we have been waiting for a long time. This is a great gift to anyone who wonders what Sacred Geometry is and why it is so important to our being.”
— Jay Weidner Author of Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time
“Sacred Geometry ~ The Universal Language of Divine Alignment” by Gregory and Gail Hoag guides readers on a transformative journey toward expanded consciousness. The book intricately intertwines science, mathematics, logic and reason with spirituality, inviting readers to explore the profound and perfect interconnectedness of our existence in the earth realm with all of nature and creation.
Gregory and Gail make the esoteric concepts of sacred geometry accessible to a diverse audience, satisfying the rational mind and engaging the soul’s quest for deeper understanding. “Sacred Geometry ~ The Universal Language of Divine Alignment” is an enlightening and powerful tool for personal self discovery, guiding readers toward a richer understanding of their role as co-creators with the Universe.”
— Waxéla Sananda, Shaman, trainer and podcast host
“This book masterfully guides us to greater understanding of the unseen and unknown so that we may tap into the fullness of our human experience and our potential. The authors have taken complex subject matters in science, spirituality and nature and through their in-depth explanations and illustrations given us a blueprint to bring into our own lives. Thank you Gail and Gregory!”
— Nancy Matthews, International
Speaker, Author
Get Your Physical Copy Of The Book Now To Receive These Excellent Bonuses!
Your personal edition copy will be signed by the authors, Gregory Hoag and Gail Hoag.
A special PDF containing all the beautiful images in the book in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and zoom out for an immersive experience.
Special Note: Due to issue with Amazon & our editor, we recommend purchasing physical book through us or Barns & Noble ONLY.
A special PDF containing all the beautiful images in the book in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and zoom out for an immersive experience.
By getting the Kindle edition, you can enjoy 72 beautiful illustrations in full color, with the added feature to zoom in and out for a more immersive experience.
Note: You don’t need to purchase a Kindle device to read the book. The Kindle app is available to download on most iOS, Android, and PC devices for free.
“Sacred Geometry ~ The Universal Language of Divine Alignment” by Gail and Gregory Hoag is a captivating journey into the world of sacred geometry, going beyond its visual beauty to uncover the deep connections and harmonious patterns that define the universe. The book explores the meaningful alignment of Earth, Moon, Sun, and all life forms, underpinned by a context of consciousness and love. The authors contend that this knowledge can offer meaning, a sense of belonging, and the opportunity to foster relationships rooted in our shared unity for the greater good. In a world facing seemingly insurmountable challenges, the wisdom within sacred geometry provides practical solutions for healing and growth. The book’s clear, engaging narrative and beautiful illustrations make it accessible and appealing to a wide audience, making it a must-read for those interested in spirituality, metaphysics, and the potential for positive change in our world.”
— Mark Porteous,
Soul Affiliate Alliance Co-founder
“Gail Hoag and Gregory Hoag are renowned innovators in the field of sacred geometry. Their book Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment is a powerful text demonstrating their understanding and knowledge of this field.
It is a fascinating journey into understanding the basic constructs of the universe. We learn not only about sacred geometry, but also creational patterns of wholeness and wellness including those of numbers, ratios, energy, frequency, space -time continuum, universal archetypes and much more. Their focus on consciousness is one of the most important aspects of this book, and is a topic they brilliantly explore. The Hoags demonstrate how sacred geometry can be used to accelerate consciousness and how precise shapes can manifest vibrationally for significant and positive changes for the harmony of our health and life. Sacred Geometry is a worthy contribution to anyone’s library.”
— Andi Goldman & Jonathan Goldman, Authors The Humming Effect and Chakra Frequencies
“Greg and Gail are masters of multi dimensional alchemy. Their book is an energetic awakening— a progressive journey through the wisdom of sacred geometry, with so many ‘ah hahs’ along the way. You’ll have new eyes to see the intrinsic majesty of our Universe.”
— Jonette Crowley, spiritual teacher,
author, channel
“As I read Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment, I felt the effect of the higher dimensional wisdom pouring through Gail and Gregory into me. Their light and connection are profound as they shared ‘To impact true change in our lives, it is necessary to understand and claim these higher dimensional aspects where the source of our power and intelligence is generated.’ If you wish to speed up your awakening and ascension, please do read this book!”
— Rev. Lisa Barnett, Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom & Author of 4 Akashic Books
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