
Listen via audio:I have had interactions with Millennials.  One of the things that I find very interesting is that so many of them have tattoos. The tattoos are really quite beautiful. They are expressions of unity and love.They are a way to have something imprinted...

Listen via audio:This is what’s happening to the Millennials, they're recognizing that things are off. They take that personally. I don't think the self-esteem is an issue because they can't fit in. They don't want to fit in.What’s trying to make them fit in? The...

Listen via audio:We're aware that for many years there’s a transformation on the horizon. What that also means is that in order for a transformation to take place, the structures that have been present that have been enforcing the system will need to crumble. They...

Listen via audio:Hi! This is Gail Hoag. I'm here today with my husband Gregory. What we want to share with you are some conversations about Millennials, how they're really different from a lot of other generations and how we relate to that.Gregory and I grew...

Listen via audio:Gregory: Water's conductivity can be increased. That's what's going on with water outside of the body. An interesting thing is that we're made up of 90% water. One organ with high amounts of water is blood. There are other organs that are made...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gregory Hoag. Here today with my good friend Dr. Glen Rein. He has a degree from the University of London and has done research at Harvard and Stanford in Biochemistry.The interesting thing that brought us together, almost 25 years ago now,...

Listen via audio:Gregory: The other day we were watching someone go through something and he seemed to be in reaction to something that he didn't believe in and wanted to separate himself from. There was a sense of fear he was experiencing. When you are...

Listen via audio:Gregory: I was thinking about the fact that before doing this video taping today we tried to come up with questions and how we were going to script it. Then we realized we all have to be here together, because this whole process...

Listen via audio:Gregory: We call them tools because it’s like a hammer that you might use to build a house. You wouldn't want to try to build the house without the hammer. But when you're done, you built the house not the hammer. So these...

Listen via audio:Jeff: Hey gang. Dax and I are down in the beautiful state of Colorado with great friends of ours, Gregory and Gail Hoag. They are the creators of these magic things called Heart Companions that we play with in Lamasery. Over the past...

Listen via audio:[audio src=]It makes such a difference when you start working with that energy and love inside you. It reorganizes what I think of as wealth. Because what happens is when I'm satisfied inside, then I find that the things I have satisfy me....

Listen via audio:[audio src=]We were experiencing a space where sales were down. The first thing we do when we have that situation is we start meditating in the mornings and evenings. We love to meditate with the forms because they take us so deeply. For...

Listen via audio:[audio src=]Hello I'm Gregory Hoag here today with my wife Gail. What we want to share with you today is an understanding of how Sacred Geometry can support you with wealth and prosperity.Now there's a phrase that's often used in the New Age...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gail Hoag. I'm here with my husband Gregory. Our topic today is something that we all want, that is good relationships and love. Life is so much about relationships and how we're related to everything around us. How we relate to...

Listen via audio:We want to get back to that place of listening, of becoming aware, having a whole different wider and broader range of awareness. That really is connecting us with soul, so that we're not just looking at all the different physical attributes.We're multi-dimensional...

Listen via audio:For Gail and I don't think we do anything without guidance anymore. Sometimes I feel something or she feels something and we'll ask "what do you get on this?". That's one of the nice things that we really have because it's the way...

Listen via audio:Hello! I'm Gregory Hoag, here today with my wife Gail. What we want to share with you is an understanding of how health and well-being can be fostered in your physical body, your emotional mind and even in your spiritual body working with...

Listen via audio:We live within a paradigm of separation. We see things as little parcels. When we try to understand what something is about, we often try to dissect it. You can take an apple and cut it in all different ways and into many...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gail Hoag and I'm here with my husband Gregory. We want to talk today about connection. About how we can connect to the more vast parts of ourselves. Not necessarily the part of us that is only in the physical or...

Listen via audio:Here's a quick story about someone who I've always had great respect for and that's R. Buckminster Fuller. There was a point in his life as a young man where he was done. He had felt like he had just blown it. He...

Listen via audio:Hi I'm Gregory Hoag. Here today with my wife Gail.What I wanted to speak about today is this notion of despair. I was talking to someone the other day and she goes through periods of really deep despair and was talking about taking...

Listen via audio:I think we're going to say the same things again and in a little different way. So that we can really get it across. What's happening is so many people are at odds today. There are these guys against those guys. The Democrats...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gail Hoag and I'm here today with my husband Gregory.There's been a lot going on in the news these days that I found to be rather disturbing. There were stories about the immigrants and separation of children from their families. It...

Listen via audio:Hello. I'm Gregory Hoag here today with my wife Gail.Today we want to talk to you about a form called The Star Icosahedron. It's built upon the Icosahedron, which is one of the Platonic Solids that has 20 sides.Now interestingly enough, most of...

Listen via audio:Hello! I'm Gregory Hoag.I’m here today with my wife Gail. Today we want to talk to you about the Causal Generator. Now this form has been used to turn the We.Connect. Also what's really exciting about it is that it's moving at a...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gail Hoag. I'm here with Gregory.One of the conversations that we started with you was about Artificial Intelligence, it's impact on us individually, on the world, on everyone. The technological evolution is just such a strong force that's happening.So we look...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gail Hoag and I'm here with Gregory.Something that we've been talking about is inspired by the fact that we are a technologically advancing world, where there are robots. Artificial intelligence shows up everywhere from our phones, to ways of being able...

Listen via audio:Unity is really the crux of what's going on now. Even though we're seeing a lot of things that seem as if there's polarity, the truth is that we see the polarity because we’re able to start honing in on something that we've...

Listen via audio:Hi I'm Gail Hoag and I'm here with Gregory.This is a very catalytic and amazing time that we're in. Years ago I remember talking about how we would go through a time where we would see our infrastructures kind of disintegrate. This really...

Listen via audio:Hi I'm Gail Hoag. I'm here with Gregory.Gregory is going to explain about a very complex form. It incorporates all of the different Platonic Solids. This is what we call the Cosmic Egg. Gregory is going to share with you what this construction...

Listen via audio:Hi I'm Gail Hoag I'm here with Gregory.We are going to share with you some of the information about some very key geometries that we've been working with for some time. The one that were talking about now is one that I was...

Listen via audio:Hello. I'm Gregory Hoag here today with my wife Gail.We're going to talk to you today about one of our more recent forms called the Merkabah of Oneness. First I'm going to show you how we arrived at this particular form. Many of...

Listen via audio:Hi! I'm Gail Hoag I'm here with Gregory.Something we like to do sometimes is combine different geometries. When we do that there's a synergy where we have more than what the individual forms would have been. In this case we want to show...

Listen via audio:If you saw some of the other explanations for other forms, you know that this was once referred to as the Earth Grid that went around the planet and around the human being. This grid that is found around all planets was called...

Listen via audio:I'd like to talk about another form that I recommend to many people.It's called the EMF Soulution. The thing about EMF, is nothing blocks it. If somebody says they have a tool that blocks EMF put it up against your cell phone. If...

Listen via audio:I have had a number of different Aquarian Pyramids. This is Aquarian Pyramid 2012 which was designed for the shifting of the ages. As far as pyramids go, it works with energy in quite a different way than the square based pyramid we...

Listen via audio:Earlier when I was talking about the Earth Grid, that is the grid that used to be around the planet. I'm saying that it is shifting -  the energy nodes of the planet. This is a form that's created with the Icosahedron and...

Listen via audio:Earlier we talked about the Star Tetrahedron.We've done something else with the Star Tetrahedron. That is, we have changed the dimensions of the sides to work with something called the Phi Ratio. The Phi Ratio is similar to this caliper, which measures how...

Listen via audio:We take the Dodecahedron that we talked about, a 12 sided figure, that Christ body and the Buddha body. We combine it with the Sacred Geometry of the next body out, the light body which is in 20 dimensions-an Icosahedron. Bringing them together...

Listen via audio:Another one of the platonic solids is the Dodecahedron. It was revered by the ancients as being the form that dealt with the cosmos, the higher Dimensional Realms. They talked about each of the other platonic solids dealing with fire, air, earth, and...

Listen via audio:To make sacred geometry work in this plane, it is best to have it rotating. This particular shape when it rotates, generates a field of divine love which is so wonderful to work in. It's really great! If you do get a form,...

Listen via audio:Hello today I'm here with my friend Scott Smith.I'm Gregory Hoag. We're going to be talking to you about different sacred geometry forms. One of the first things I want to share with you is how geometry in this third dimension is created....

Listen via audio:This is a form called the Woven Spiral Star. To use it, you move it in circles either clockwise or counterclockwise. If you're going clockwise over someone's body you're moving energy in. When you go counterclockwise you're pulling energy out. You can use...

Listen via audio:Hi I'm Gail Hoag and I'm here with my husband Gregory.We're really excited to share something that we have been working on for quite a few years. It is a big project that resulted in something called the Causal Generator. Let me tell...

The Science of the Ancients Is Finding New Applications.?As we learn more and more about the concept of sacred geometry, it begins to appear that life really is all about numbers. The term “sacred geometry” has been bandied about for years as though it...

When asked about why our tools didn’t help with more successful day-trading, Gregory Hoag gave the following answer: Our tools are not magic. It takes time for some changes to occur, but regardless of time they may not reflect the expectations of the personality. Our technology...

They are precisely composed, 3-dimensional sculptures that radiate an energetic field which can positively influence your environment and help create a sacred space. From the earliest origins of culture, it was known that the entire structure of the Universe is based on the eternal laws of...