3-D Sacred Geometry Tools

3-D Sacred Geometry Tools

They are precisely composed, 3-dimensional sculptures that radiate an energetic field which can positively influence your environment and help create a sacred space.
From the earliest origins of culture, it was known that the entire structure of the Universe is based on the eternal laws of creation, which are mathematical and geometric in nature.
Metaforms are designed to bring these archetypal laws into tangible experience in your life. They can create awareness and empower you in making appropriate choices. Their beauty and perfection can bring peace to your heart and mind. This positive amplification of safe, subtle energy can activate creativity, healing, dreaming, meditation, and relationships.

They are precisely composed, 3-dimensional sculptures that radiate an energetic field which can positively influence your environment and help create a sacred space. Metaforms will enhance the subtle energies that affect interior design, landscape, and Feng Shui, making them an elegant treasure for your home or office.

The energy from these sacred geometry tools supports you in many ways. You can create a resonance with your world and everything in it! To learn more about Gregory Hoag and sacred geometry, you might enjoy the video below. http://s3.amazonaws.com/videos.vimeo.com/977/088/97708833.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJCX4YKY455TWB7MQ&Expires=1372100684&Signature=HJpicZz8M7uSPLhrC1Q0VwWr%2BS4%3D

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