September 2018

Listen via audio:Gregory: I was thinking about the fact that before doing this video taping today we tried to come up with questions and how we were going to script it. Then we realized we all have to be here together, because this whole process...

Listen via audio:Gregory: We call them tools because it’s like a hammer that you might use to build a house. You wouldn't want to try to build the house without the hammer. But when you're done, you built the house not the hammer. So these...

Listen via audio:Jeff: Hey gang. Dax and I are down in the beautiful state of Colorado with great friends of ours, Gregory and Gail Hoag. They are the creators of these magic things called Heart Companions that we play with in Lamasery. Over the past...

Listen via audio:[audio src=]It makes such a difference when you start working with that energy and love inside you. It reorganizes what I think of as wealth. Because what happens is when I'm satisfied inside, then I find that the things I have satisfy me....

Listen via audio:[audio src=]We were experiencing a space where sales were down. The first thing we do when we have that situation is we start meditating in the mornings and evenings. We love to meditate with the forms because they take us so deeply. For...